holiday best easy cookie recipes

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Easy cookie recipes are a must! Any of these cookies on your kitchen counter will be gone in a flash! Perfect holiday munchies!
Unique Holiday Cookies
I’m always in search of unique holiday cookies. Yes, year round I make the old standbys like oatmeal and chocolate chip. And, yes, those are great at the holidays, but let’s make them a little different with some tweaks for the festivities.
Best Cookies
Not sure what the best cookies out there are. But, I can assure you that the collection of cookie recipes that I’ve created for you is spot on!
Delicious Cookie Recipes
My Grandma had a small enclosed porch off her big family kitchen. And, on this porch were only sweets. Yes, for a little girl like me, it was the equivalent of a Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory. Lining this table during the holidays were delicious cookie recipes. All kinds of cookies! And, some not so typical.
Best Cookie Recipes in the World
My curated collection of best cookie recipes in the world include some from around the world. Just take a look at the Persian cookie recipe. Then there’s a fabulous Eastern European cookie. You’ll eat them and not realize you’re tasting different cultures and traditions in each bite. That’s what makes food so exciting. Knowing the we all connect and have common DNA with our food.
How to Make Holiday Cookies
My formula for how to make holiday cookies is to start about a week or more ahead of time and freeze some of the cookies that freeze well. Then all you do is take them out, even a few at a time, and serve. Many of these cookies are great frozen for a week or two. And, the with others you can make a few days ahead of time and store in airtight containers. Then there are cookies, like the buttermilk blueberry scookies, that are best made the day of serving.
Popular Holiday Cookies
Popular holiday cookies are what YOU like. Don’t pay any attention to anyone or anything else. If you like cookies made from canned biscuits with cinnamon sugar, then go for it. But, if you want to check you want to look at some of the popular holiday cookies, then here you go. The Most Iconic Holiday Cookies in your State!
Most Delicious Christmas Cookies
Most delicious Christmas cookies don’t always have to be red and green with sparkles and sprinkles. For my family, the best Christmas cookies are the ones that have a history and legacy with out family. Cookie recipes and ideas that are passed down for generations. Guess which of these cookies in my collection is spot on for this!
Recipes for Christmas Cookies
According to Taste of Home, the ten best Christmas cookies are shortbread, eggnog, gingersnaps, cranberry, sugar, rum balls, butter, coconut, peppermint, gingerbread and shortbread. In my collection, you’ll see variations of each of these types of cookies. Not all of them, but that’s probably because I’m in love with the ones I’ve created!
Gift Box of Cookies
Don’t forget that a gift box of cookies is probably one of the most treasured things you can give someone, especially that person who’s really tough to buy for. Making cookies is just a tradition of the holidays. And, all these cookies I’m sharing with you come from my kitchen to yours with immense love. xoxo ~ally