Amalfi Coffee Chocolate Raspberry Sauce

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If you’ve never visited ‘Coffee on the Porch-Camden, Maine‘ then you don’t have to go any further than Facebook! Here you’ll find a down-home entrepreneur, Dan, who started his business with a passion for a really good cuppah coffee. Now, if you’re a java lover and somewhat of a coffee snob like me, then you know when you’ve had an extraordinary cup of coffee! And, my thinking is that if I’m going to have some extra caffeine in my day, then it’d better come from THE best beans that are out there. Dan is a licensed Maine coffee roaster~~I never knew you had to have a license to roast coffee beans! And, he ships his beans shortly after they’ve been roasted, so you know they’re fresh.
When Dan asked if I’d like to try some of his beans~~well, duh, of course I said YES! He shipped them to me via the U.S. Postal Service, and I’m telling you when I went to pick them up at the post office {since we travel and he sent them to our destination via ‘General Delivery’}, the postal worker who brought them to me said, ‘It was hard…but, we just about were gonna tear this box open the aromas were so fabulous!’ Of course, I laughed and said ‘Over my dead body!!’ Got them home, and inside were two bags~~’Amalfi Coast’ a blend of SBT Italian Roast. the darkest roast he offers, and Coast is Clear, a medium roast from Central & South America…Amalfi Coast is great hot or iced, perhaps the perfect cup of coffee blend. The second bean was named ‘Sweet Box Treats’ in honor of one of our mutual foodie friends who, yes, sells sweet treats!
Grinding my first glistening dark chocolate brown beans, I could literally smell the aromas through the machine! Well, the rest is history! Usually if there’s any leftover coffee in the pot, I’ll toss it out. But not this coffee! While there’s typically an empty coffee carafe, on this particular day there was a little over a cup remaining, so what did I do? Well, I created an ‘Amalfi Coffee Chocolate Raspberry Sauce’ that is just to DIE for! Yes, I can eat it with a spoon, so I could have called it an ‘Amalfi Coffee Chocolate Raspberry Soup’…alas, I decided the first was better for this post!
Makes: About 1+ cups
What you need:
1 cup leftover Amalfi brewed coffee
3/4 cup raspberry jam
Pinch of sea salt
1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tbl whole coffee beans (kinda crushed up but not ground)
What you do:
In a small heavy pot over high heat, bring the coffee and raspberry jam to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium, or a slow simmering boil, and reduce this mixture to about half~~about 20 minutes. The sauce will begin to thicken.
Add the chocolate chips and blend. Reduce to medium low and continue to cook/thicken another 15-20 minutes. Add the whole coffee beans, blend, turn off heat, and let it sit until ready to serve.
Your options for serving are totally up to your culinary imagination! I created a simple ‘tasting dessert’ using thawed/smashed raspberries, a wedge of an ice cream sandwich and drizzling of the sauce! I’ve got another idea in the freezer just about ready to share!
©Alice D’Antoni Phillips
Coffee… chocolate… raspberries… as if your post (and writing) weren’t enuf, there are some very, VERY convincing photos here. Sigh… and yum. 🙂
Oh, you should see what I have right now in the freezer just waiting to be eaten…how I wish you lived next door!! Thank you for hanging out here w/me in the kitchen…YOU make it all worth while knowing that someone, besides me, is deriving so much pleasure!! xo
Beautiful sauce, makes me want to take a big spoonful and eat it!
Hi, Paula! Thank you! And, I did it for both of us!! 🙂 ~~ally