cast iron skillet grilled fruit salad

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Grilled Fruit Salad

I sure hope you have a cast iron skillet that makes grilling stripes for this grilled fruit salad.  If you don’t, think about buying one because it’s one of the most used that I have!  And, I think you’ll have as much fun with it as I do. Cast Iron Skillet Grilled Fruit Salad.. Refreshing, naturally sweet, flavors that merge into a cacophonous symphony (the world of Darsweil, one of our dinner guests) on your plate and in your mouth!

This was eaten at the end of the dinner, European style. There’s no way you wanted to mask, dilute, or confuse this magical dish with other foods.  It deserved both a plate of its own as well as saving the best for last.
grilled fruit salad

Grilled Fruit Salad

cast iron skillet grilled fruit salad

Yield: About 4+ servings


  • Cooking spray
  • 2 large peaches cut in thick wedges
  • 2 Tbl sugar + ½ tsp. cardamom mixed together
  • 4 pieces of thick cut seedless watermelon (rind off) & sprinkled lightly with sea salt
  • 2 cups arugula
  • 3 Tbl. olive oil
  • 2 tsp. fresh lime juice
  • 1 tsp. fresh lime zest
  • ½ cup fresh blueberries
  • ¼ cup chopped cilantro
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped jalapeno pepper


  1. In a large cast iron skillet (preferably one with grill stripes),coat with cooking spray, and heat skillet over medium high heat.  Place peach wedges and sprinkle with the sugar mixture.  Grill about 1-2 minutes or until grill stripes begin to form.  Flip to the other side and grill another 1-2 minutes.  Remove, place in shallow dish like a plate (do not crowd) and put in refrigerator or freezer to chill immediately.  Leave in about 15 minutes.
  2. Using the same skillet, coat lightly with cooking spray, and grill the watermelon on each side about 1-2 minutes or until grill stripes (or golden browning) starts to form.  Remove and put on a plate.  Place in freezer to cool and  slow cooking process.   Leave in about 15 minutes.
  3. Place arugula in skillet, over medium heat.  Drizzle with olive oil and lime juice and with tongs toss and turn just wilting the leaves.  Add zest and toss with tongs.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, combine peach slices.  Cut watermelon into bite pieces.  Add arugula and gently toss with tongs.  Add blueberries, cilantro, jalapeno and mix.  You can serve immediately or refrigerate for serving later.

Your sharing is GOLDEN! Thank you!

Your sharing and comments help me stay in business! Share a photo if you make the recipe #allyskitchen Thank you! xo Ally

grilled fruit salad



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    1. Thank you, Christie! If there’s any leftover, it’s great the next day, too! Thanks for hosting the great party!! xo

  1. Ally, your guest’s description of this salad can’t be surpassed… so I’ll simply say: scrumptious! Gorgeous photos, too!

    1. Kimby! Thank you…it was a priceless comment, so perfect for quoting…here’s to a virtual lunch w/you in your serene surroundings…xox ally

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