the art of the small things

the art of the small things

Little things, yes, small things, in life can bring such pleasure, satisfaction and happiness. Doesn’t take much other than maybe some effort and thoughtfulness, then throw in some creative thinking and planning, and you can create sparkling memories that can be shared for a lifetime!

Fantasy is a beautiful thing. I’ve always been enchanted (since a child), yes, dreamily so, by the annual Oscars~~from the Red Carpet hours before the event to sitting through the entire evening’s glitzy, glamorous and gala affair. So this year, I decided that we would have a ‘red carpet’ dazzling affair right in our living room with the Oscars. An evening of imagination and fantasy.
the art of the small things
So, here’s what our #oscar2015 affair was designed as…

It would be small and intimate. We’d invite one couple and, their doggy…I mean since we had our four-legged diva kitty, Callie, why not let her have a friend come, too! Why work myself to death with entertaining a big crowd?
the art of the small things
We’d all dress for the affair~yes, in our ‘designer’ duds be they jammies, gowns, tuxes or silk robes! Move over Harry Winston, we pulled out the chandelier earrings, lipstick, hairdos and more!

It would start at 5 pm, some red carpet buzz, sparkling champagne, wine and go into the evening, which meant our guests would spend the night, no driving after such a night of revelry!
the art of the small things
There would be food, lots of food, but it would be easy interactive food~pizza! Everyone would build their own pizza~I made the dough, gluten free and regular, the pizza stones were ready and there was an extensive array of toppings~each of us designed what appealed to our palates.
the art of the small things
Then we had salads, crunchy salads, bleu cheese salads, apple salads~and, no evening would be complete without dessert! Yes, there were lemoneeee buttermilk cupcakes, GF chocolate chip cookies, vanilla bean ice cream, fresh strawberries and Baileys!
the art of the small things
Our ‘table’ would be coffee table dining~it would be decked out in layered table clothes, festive cloth napkins and rings, candles, silver chargers, champagne and wine glasses, fresh tulips, and glimmering china~~and, yes, always a cast iron skillet!
the art of the small things
We became the ‘fashion police’~critiquing all the stars gracing the red carpet. We decided which entertainers we liked best, whether the host was as good or better than previous ones, who talked too much when on stage and accepting an Oscar, who did or didn’t seem genuine in their words when accepting awards, who should have gotten the award, but didn’t, who got the awards and did we concur~yes, we were for one evening the panel of four who were right on every point, or at least that’s the way we spun it!
the art of the small things
At the close of our gloriously memorable evening, some were still awake, others were not. Being a ‘stahhhh’ is hard work~harder than shoveling snow, skinning up a snow packed trail, chopping a cord of wood~~yes, Brite, sweet dreams because tonight you take home an Oscar!
the art of the small things
There was no Vanity Fair after party…there was only ‘Kitchen Clean Up Party’~like Cinderella, when the Oscars 2015 lights dimmed, we returned to our reality, but our memories from this ‘art of the small things’ event is forever seared in our memories and will bring smiles as we reminisce years and years from now.

Bring the ‘art of small things’ into your life~I promise you it’s worth every scintilla of ‘work’ because the pleasures are hugely priceless rewards~thanks for the memories… xoxo ~peace & #dreamboldly~ ally
the art of the small things
©alice d’antoni phillips

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