fresh cranberry crunch & coconut cream sauce
Yes, some foods just dance with happiness during the holidays~~why? Well, because for a short time of the year they’re showcased and special~~things like pumpkins, pomegranates, types of squash and, not to overlook cranberries~~and now we have a star in this fresh cranberry crunch & coconut cream sauce salad!
While we always love our cranberry juice during the year, we don’t really zone in on the cranberry for its beauty and versatility in cooking until we see them appear in the grocery store~~bags of the marble-sized deep burgundy and red tart fruit. They’ve been around for ages and are quite global in their appeal.
Did you know:
- that it takes about 200 cranberries to make one can of cranberry sauce
- that cranberries are overwhelmingly water~~about 90%
- that American settlers made cranberry juice way back in 1700s
- that really ripe cranberries will bounce!
- that only about 5% of cranberries are sold fresh (and I’ll bet 99% of the time it’s around holidays!)
fresh cranberry crunch & coconut cream sauce