Easy Mocha Peppermint Coffee

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You’ll think you’ve stepped into a swanky coffee shop when you sip on this easy mocha peppermint coffee! It’s made with coffee concentrate.
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Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Recipe
What’s this recipe? Well, it’s basically milk, flavors, toppings, sweeteners, espresso. And, sixteen ounces can cost you about five bucks or more and pack on about 440 calories.
Coffee Specialty Drinks
Coffee specialty drinks are so easy to make at home. It really takes no time at all. Especially when you’re using Javy Coffee Concentrate, which is your magic elixir.
Jump to their website and order some. With my discount code 25% at checkout, you’ll be saving some money.
Holiday Coffees
You can make your holiday coffees alcohol free or you can add liquor or a liqueur. It’s up to you.
This recipe calls for Bailey’s Irish Cream, however, you can omit that if you like. If you choose that option, and you want a hint of sweetness (which the Bailey’s does give), then you’ll need to add your sweetener of choice.
Cacao Peppermint Coffee Drink
There are things that just go together. And, chocolate or cacao and peppermint are two things that are perfectly matched. When you add the coffee component, well, it’s magical!
How to Make Mocha Coffee
Mocha is insanely popular. And, it’s basically, at its most simple core, a mixture of espresso, milk and chocolate.
Yes, that’s basically what we have in this drink, too.
Mocha Coffee Recipe
This mocha coffee recipe has the smooth creamy taste of Bailey’s Irish Cream. Then you have the intense flavors of the coffee concentrate. Added in is a concentration of cacao powder. And, finally the sweet taste of whipped cream.
Coffee with Chocolate Powder
You could even simplify this drink by just using the coffee concentrate, boiling hot water and cacao or chocolate powder. If you want it to have sweetness, then add your choice of sugar or a sugar substitute. Or you can even drizzle in a little sweetened condensed milk to have the sweet with the milky creaminess. Another option is to just melt some of the peppermint candy cane in the coffee/cacao and you’ve got that hint of sweet.
Baileys and Coffee Recipe
Bailey’s and coffee is a go together for many.
And, it certainly does expand the dimensions of flavor in this drink.
Baileys Drinks
It’s your choice to decide the size of the drinks. I wanted to create just sips, so I used small shot like stem glasses that hold about four ounces.
There’s the coffee mixture and a couple of teaspoons of whipped cream. Add a small peppermint candy cane. Let it melt somewhat in the mixture, and you have a delightful sipping drink. It’s perfect for after dinner!
Baileys Peppermint
This easy mocha peppermint coffee is the perfect drink for many occasions. Rather than serve as a full drink of say eight ounces, I believe just a sip and hint of the sweet nectar excites and satisfies!
Easy Mocha Peppermint Coffee
- 1/4 cup heavy cream, froth and whip
- 2 tsp. cacao
- 2 Tbl. Javy Coffee Concentrate
- 3/4 cup Bailey's Irish Cream
- 1 cup water, very hot
- Mini Peppermint Candy Canes
- Fresh Mint Leaves
- In a 2 1/2 to 3 cup measuring cup (heat resistant), put the cacao, coffee concentrate, Bailey's and hot water. Use a small frother to blend well.
- Pour into serving cups. Top with equal amounts of the whipped cream.
- Garnish with a candy cane and/or fresh mint.
- Serve immediately.