best ever sunday roasted chicken
Looking for the best every sunday roasted chicken? Look no further. This easy juicy roasted chicken is full of spices and fabulous flavor!
Easy Chicken Roast Dinner
Winner winner roasted chicken dinner! You bet there’s nothing more comforting than a big ol’ chicken dinner waiting for you on Sunday afternoon. As you well know, I look out for not only your good eating by creating healthy recipes, well, most of them healthy.
And, if you want more chicken dinner or simply chicken ideas, then just click here. Yes, we’re chicken lovers!
For the best pasture-raised chicken, check out Cooks Venture. Pasture raised chicken is so much more nutrient dense and healthy for you. You can try the products from CV without spending an arm and a leg, just use my discount code at checkout (first order), AK50 for $50 off. Yes, it’s a sweet deal. And, it comes packed on dry ice to your home. Then if you want to repeat buy, use code, AK2 for $20 off every order!
Roast Chicken
I mean ya gotta have some fun sometimes! And, I also want to dream up ideas for you that are simple, easy and flat out almost effortless. And, that’s what this ‘best ever sunday roasted chicken’ dinner is. All those things in one big ol’ skillet or pot!
Simple Whole Roasted Chicken
Country Living magazine has a great article on the difference between ‘dinner’ and ‘supper’. I mean we don’t very often hear the word ‘supper’. Well, unless you’re from the South, and we know there’s a distinct difference.
If you’re looking for something more rustic and Italian in the chicken world, then you have to try my Hunter’s Style Chicken Cacciatore! Yes, it’s authentically from the Coselli Collection Cooking school in Tuscany Italy where I was in July 2022!
Best Roast Chicken Recipe
While we in the South still sit down to ‘supper’, the word really originated with farmers. Rather than trying to paraphrase, here’s what the article says about ‘supper’:
According to the English Language & Usage Stack Exchange, a question-and-answer forum for linguists and etymologists, “many people who grew up in the American South and/or on farms traditionally ate larger meals at noontime to give them the strength to keep working through the afternoon.”
Crispy Roast Chicken
Supper, the site goes on to say, stems from the word “to sup,” which just goes to show that even back then, country folks loved their slow-cooker recipes: “Many farming families would have a pot of soup cooking throughout the day, and would eat it in the evening.” In other words, “they would ‘sup’ the soup.”
And, you bet I like the outside of my chicken crispy, so near the end of the cooking, I’m turning the oven to broil to sizzle and brown the skin of the chicken!
Slow Cooked Whole Chicken
So, this recipe, which certainly could be cooked in a slow cooker as well as I’ve done in the oven, is for Sunday dinner! That big meal in the early afternoon after church.
Slow Cooker Whole Chicken and Vegetables
Yeah, yeah, I know now a lot of folks head to restaurants for lunch or brunch, but why not try stepping back in food history and having the ‘best ever Sunday roasted chicken’ for ‘dinner’. Then as the day wears on, TV is being watched, maybe sports, maybe just restin’ and relaxin’, grab something lighter for that evening meal!
Looking for the best every Sunday chicken dinner? Look no further. This easy juicy roasted chicken is full of spices and fabulous flavor! 1. Any leftover broth/gravy is perfect in a chicken noodle soup. 2. Be sure to use the carcass, boil it in about 6 cups of water. Let small remnants of meat fall off. Make yourself a great broth. Once that carcass is clean as a whistle, you can dispose of it! 3. The vegetables you choose to add is totally your choice, and, boy, are there a lot of choices! 4. This recipe could certainly be done in a slow cooker. In order to get the golden browning on the chicken, however, it would need to be placed under the broiler until browning is achieved. 5. You can add the veggies from the start. However, they will be very soft and done. Adding them midway through the chicken roasting helps them be cooked but not really soft. best ever sunday roasted chicken
Love roasted chicken.
Oh, Christine, it’s always a hit at our house, too! Thank you, luv!