16 Weeks to 70: Week 2 Challenge

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If you know me, you know that I don’t slow down. I mean even my boys have said many times, ‘Mom, do you ever sit and just chill?’ I don’t know. It’s in my DNA. I’m just always an ‘Energizer Bunny’ as my brother has always called me. Since birth. Ever since I stepped on this Earth.

You can see why then that this second challenge for ’16 weeks to 70′ is a real challenge for me. Learning to be still. Learning to empty my mind. Learning to just be. And, when I say ‘just be’, I mean just be not doing anything.

This meant that I had to learn some new skills for my head. So, I chose meditation and sound therapy meditation. Instead of taking my usual yoga classes where I really don’t have to tame the monkey mind chatter, I decided to immerse myself in ‘quiet’ classes. Oh, lordy, what a challenge!

I’m now convinced more than ever that I need to incorporate regular meditation and quiet time in my world. It’s not all about getting things done, being always ‘accomplishing’ something or having yet one more ‘to do’ on my list. And, I know that meditation doesn’t have to be in a certain place at a certain time. As long as I find ways to be one with myself and nature, then I can begin to practice the art of decompressing.

challenge meditation

You Need to Know

According to Healthline, meditation has twelve, yes, 12, science-based benefits:

  • Reduces Stress
  • Controls Anxiety
  • Promotes Emotional Health
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • Lengthens Attention Span
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss
  • Can Generate Kindness
  • May Help Fight Addictions
  • Improves Sleep
  • Helps Control Pain
  • Can Decrease Blood Pressure
  • You Can Meditate Anywhere

challenge mediation

And, here’s the BOTTOM LINE

“From the medical community to the yoga community, the verdict is out: you need to meditate!

Recent studies from Harvard University found that long-term meditators have increased amounts of gray matter in the insula and sensory regions, and the auditory and sensory cortex.


Basically, Harvard has confirmed what yogis been teaching for thousands of years:

  • meditation reduces stress,
  • fosters clear thinking and
  • increases our capacity for empathy and compassion.

Talking about meditation is the easy part; actually creating the space in your day requires a bit of planning. However, when in need of a push to get started (or continue) with your meditation practice, understanding the array of physical, mental, and emotional benefits can be a convincing reminder of why meditation is important. I promise – once you learn how to meditate and make it a daily habit, you will experience the benefits for yourself; you will wonder how you ever existed without your daily ritual of relaxation!” Art of Living




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  1. Lori McLain says:

    I have always felt the pull of the things in nature that make us just stop. Breathe. And meditate into prayerful gratitude for such great beauty! You sure have it right ❤️?

    1. I just know you’re like that, Lori! You’re one w/nature and God. It oozes out every pore of your body. xoxo ~ally

  2. Yes! I feel you on finding it difficult to be still much of the time, well almost all of it lol. However, when I have let myself give my mind and soul over to meditation it definitely makes a difference. Namaste my dear one and good for you! Keep it up. Xoxo

    1. Yes, it is, dear Nicole…so very hard, and that’s why the ‘challenge’…you’re a perfect example of giving yourself over (mind and soul!). Thanks for the support b/c this will continue to be difficult for me, but w/practice I will get better and better. xoxo ~ally

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